
Have you completed a coverage assessment of a CMAM programme between 2018 and 2021 (using the SQUEAC or SLEAC methodologies or others)? If so are you willing to share the report with the Nutrition Assessment team at Action Against Hunger UK?  

We are keen to update our global database of results from coverage assessments. With the data that we collate, we hope to gain a better understanding of the most common barriers to programme access and coverage globally and in different contexts (from the user and service implementer perspectives) and to understand how they have changed overtime. The findings will be shared during early 2022. If you have an interest in a particular context, we are also happy to share results directly with you. 

So if you or your team have completed any CMAM coverage assessments since 2018 and you are willing to share them with us, please email them to NutritionAssessment@actionagainsthunger.org.uk

Many thanks,

Nutrition Assessment Team, Action Against Hunger UK 

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