In Punjab Pakistan we have used Multisectoral Approach to address Malnutrition. Establishment of District,Tehsil and Union Council level Malnutrition Addressing Committees chaired by the District,Tehsil and Union council Heads have at least raised the awareness amongst the participating sector departments (health, education, social protection, agriculture and auqaf and religious affairs). Role of Religious Affairs Department is very critical. (

MSNC (Multisectoral Nutrition Center highly appreciate the facilitation extended by Religious Affairs Dept in Punjab to raise awareness regarding mother and child health (1000days+).

Is there any other example around the globe?

In Ethiopia, improving multisector coordination and capacity is one of the five startegic objectives of National Nutrition Program II (NNP II). There are multisectorial coodination plateforms called Multi-Sectoral (NCB) (the leadership wing) and Multisectoral Nutriton Technical Commitee (NTC) (the technical wing). This arrangement goes to the lowest adminitsrative level (National-Regional-Zonal-District and Kebele). NCB chaired by the deputy prime minister while the technical NTC led by MOH. From Region to the lower levels the leadership wing led by the presidant (at regional level), Zonal Administrator (Zonal level), Woreda Administrator (Dsitrict Level) and Kebele Administrator (lowest level). The techical wing led by the MOH structure upto the lowest level. The role the resposibility of each sector documented in the NNP II with key performance indicators. Performance indicators to measure the collective efforts also set. For more information you can refer the National Nutrtion Program. 

Mhiret Teshome


2 years ago

Welthungerhilfe India & Bangladesh country office has been working on Multisector approach to reduce malnutrition among rural communitinies. It is called  the Nutrition Smart community ( nutrition smart villages). The approach links agriculture, natural resource managent, livelihoods, WASH and Nutrition education, (LANN+). The approach focuses on 5 good practices - Community sensitization on LANN+ using PLA, behaviour change communication for improved infant care & feeding, nutrition sensitive Integrated farming systems, Nutrition sensitive village assembly planning and strengthening of village institution. Along with this the project also supports the government by capacity building of grassroots service providers and setting up a reboust MIS. Please find more details on the given link NSV NUTRITION SMART VILLAGES: A community driven multisector approach to address malnutrition by Welt Hunger Hilfe (

Podcast: Multi-sector nutrition programming: An Interview with Sweta Banerjee | ENN (

Sweta Banerjee


2 years ago
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