Dear colleagues, 

The Food and Nutrition Division (ESN) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN) and with the support of the Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) are organizing a side event at the pre-COP 26 hosted by the Italian government to showcase the importance of youth for transformative action by highlighting innovative youth-led ideas and programmes linking climate change, biodiversity and nutrition. 

The event will showcase innovative programmes bridging the climate change, biodiversity and nutrition nexus. A diverse group of youth speakers and panelists from different backgrounds and continents, will present how they leverage opportunities for biodiversity preservation, climate adaptation and mitigation, whilst enabling access to healthy and nutritious diets. 

From farmers to chefs, entrepreneurs, climate activists, researchers, and policy advocates will be on hand to share their views and raise awareness about the importance of connecting all three areas. 

Objectives of the event:

Supporting youth in bringing their voices into international climate policy arenas;

Provide first-hand testimonials of youth leading innovative actions and programmes linking climate change, biodiversity and nutrition;

Encourage governments to listen to youth and raise their ambitions for climate mitigation and adaptation actions;

Inspire youth to take action on climate change, biodiversity and nutrition nexus.

Date: Saturday 2 October 2021

Time: 14:00-15:30 (CEST/Rome)


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