USAID Advancing Nutrition is conducting a review to map the resources available to support Complementary Feeding in Emergencies (CFE) programming. The focus of the mapping is to document the tools available across both humanitarian and development settings to support practitioners in understanding how to implement existing guidance on CFE.

We are looking for your feedback would appreciate it if you could support this effort by responding to the questions below by Friday, September 3. Responses should be sent to

1. What’s your opinion on the use of existing tools? Are there any enablers and/or barriers to their use?

2. Are there any gaps in tools for complementary feeding programming and do you have any suggestions for tools which might need to be developed?

3. Is there anything missing from the longlist of materials? If so, add any additional resources for consideration at the bottom of the google sheet under “additional resources”.

The list of materials to be reviewed for the mapping can be found here.

Thank you in advance for your support with this work.

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