Volunteers needed to participate in PS-SAM a study exploring current clinical practice with regards to psycho-social interventions in the management of severe acute malnutrition.

Currently psycho-social stimulation is recommended in WHO guidelines for managing severe acute malnutrition. This term can encompass a range of meanings including but not limited to play, interaction, parental education, early childhood development interventions, mental health and psycho-social support for both children and caregivers, occupational and physical therapy.

This study is being conducted by the University of Liverpool, we are asking for people currently working or have returned from working on programmes (past 3 years) managing children with severe acute malnutrition, this could be any kind of project including inpatient and outpatient and be in a government or NGO project. You do not have to be familiar with the use of psycho-social stimulation to participate just be a clinician, nutritionist or programme manager involved in the care of children with severe acute malnutrition.

The study aims to understand current clinical practice, identify lessons learned and inform guideline development and future research studies to psycho-social care and long-term developmental outcomes for children with SAM. Participation will consist of completing a survey which should take around 10-15 minutes to complete and would be greatly appreciated.

After completing the survey you will be asked if you are interested to take part in an interview to discuss the topic further this is entirely optional and there is no obligation to share personal details in completing the survey. 

If you are interested in taking part, please click on the link here to find out more.

If you have any questions or would like further information on the project, please contact the study lead Dr Mike Kalmus Eliasz (m.kalmus-eliasz@liverpool.ac.uk)

The study has been granted ethical approval on 13th July 2021 by University of Liverpool Ethics.

Please feel free to share this with interested colleagues.

Thank you to those of you who kindly took the time to complete the survey and those who I have already interviewed. I am trying to get a few more responses prior to writing up my findings.

Those of you based in the field or recently returned (in past 3 years) if you were able to complete the survey and/or be available to be interviewed on the topic of psycho-social stimulation and related interventions then please complete the survey or email me at mike.eliasz@gmail.com

Click here for survey



2 years ago
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