HARP-F webinar on 'Prioritising nutrition in Myanmar as part of the humanitarian response: Urgent action is needed', on 14th July, 2021, 2.30-3.30pm MMR/8-10 am GMT.  

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Malnutrition in Myanmar is a major concern in the multiple protracted crises related to conflict, with stunting affecting an estimated 29% of children under five, and wasting 7% (DHS 2016). Yet, nutrition has been neglected in the response. The rapidly deteriorating humanitarian context in the country since the February 2021 military coup calls for a new coordinated strategy to make nutrition a central part of the humanitarian response in Myanmar.  

In a recent report, the Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Programme Facility (HARP-F) reviews how the coup dramatically changed the operating environment and makes recommendations to prioritise nutrition activities and meet fast growing needs. HARP-F works with partners across the country to ensure the people of Myanmar meet their fundamental right to an adequate quantity and quality of food, plus access to health and nutrition services, to maintain an adequate nutrition status.  

National and international humanitarian actors in Myanmar will share their experience on nutrition programming as part of the humanitarian response in Myanmar, the need to adopt a multisectoral approach to nutrition, and the challenges in coordinating nutrition interventions. 

The webinar will be in English and Myanmar language. 

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