Defining target population terminology and determining discharge criteria for the Management of small and nutritionally At-risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers (MAMI)

Dear All,

This research is being undertaken in collaboration with the MAMI Global Network and is being supervised by Marko Kerac and Marie McGrath as part of my MSc at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Your participation will be very much appreciated. 

We are recruiting participants to share their opinions of two aspects of the MAMI Care Pathway that have not yet been formally examined; identification terminology and discharge criteria for infants enrolled in MAMI outpatient services. Participation will involve:

Part A- Short Online Survey

The survey can be completed at your convenience and takes approximately 10-15 minutes. It is divided into the following 4 sections:

  • Professional background 
  • MAMI target group identification terminologies 
  • Discharge criteria from MAMI outpatient services
  • Permission to participate in Part B  

Part B- Virtual interview

If you provide your email address and give your permission to be contacted at the end of Part A you may also be asked to take part in a virtual interview that will take approximately 30-45 minutes. The interview will be an opportunity to discuss your responses to Part A in more detail to help us gain further insight into the pros and cons of the proposed MAMI identification terminologies and discharge criteria. 

Who Should take part?

We are looking for participants from a range of professional backgrounds and contexts as the MAMI approach links multiple health and nutrition-related disciplines, therefore it’s important to consider the perspectives of those that will collectively be involved in the implementation, delivery and success of the MAMI Care Pathway.

If you would like to take part, please click the link below that will take you through to the study information sheet and consent form, and then the survey. 

Please feel free to share this survey widely with colleagues in your networks and thank you in advance for your participation. 

Kind Regards,

Ellie Blake 

LSHTM MSc Nutrition for Global Health 

Thank you for having such survey to improve the service , 



2 years ago
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