Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) has submitted a game-changer on a ‘wasting reset’ that has been included as part of the game-changers of Action Track 1 of the UN Food Systems Summit. You are welcome to join an open ‘stakeholder engagement’ webinar to hear more about this and ask questions from a panel of representatives.

The panel will include Lawrence Haddad, Tom Arnold, representatives from government, USAID, UNICEF and FAO. The webinar will be introducing the idea behind the Game Changer and answering questions from participants.

Please see more details here: https://www.ennonline.net/wasting-reset-fss-n4g

Webinar details

Please register at the link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z7ETSma1QC-lfmh6ThAQug

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