Dear Friends,

In the run-up to the UN Food Systems Summit, GAIN is facilitating a youth-led campaign, the #Act4Food #Act4Change in support of #GoodFood4All, which launched on Tuesday 18 May 2021.

The campaign will be anchored on a universal youth pledge to create sustainable food systems and call for large-scale actions for change.

Objectives of #Act4Food #Act4Change Campaign are to:

  • Enhance maximum and inclusive engagement with the campaign and hopefully reach the 1 Million Signatures
  • Acknowledge the current challenges to fixing current food systems & how youth can contribute to finding solution to these
  • Build awareness and a sense of urgency over tackling food systems transformation demanding Actions4Change
  • Bring together all parties involved in food, environment, health and beyond should be involved

To do this, we have developed a social media pack that you can share with your network. You can begin sharing the social media cards on any online platforms you may have access to, including personal ones.

All you need to do is:

Follow the campaign’s social media accounts and promote the campaign in your respective networks: 

Facebook @Act4FoodGlobal

Twitter @Act4FoodGlobal,

Instagram @act4food and

TikTok @act4food

Find all the promotional material here:

Get involved by signing the #Act4Food pledge on 

Do spread the word!

Read more About the Pledge:

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