GOAL Uganda invites you to an online event to share its approach, learning and proposed best practices for building the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) who are engaged in nutrition programming in Uganda.

This virtual event will take place on Thursday, 27th May 2021 at 3:00-5:30 PM EAT.

During this event we will:

Share learning on the GOAL’s capacity development approach for CSO involved in nutrition programming under the Uganda Grassroots Nutrition (UGN) program funded by the Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF), including successes, challenges, best practices and recommendations for stakeholders including Government, NGOs, Donors and CSOs.

Share findings of an independent evaluation on GOAL’s capacity development approach for CSO involved in nutrition programming.

Give an opportunity to the CSOs involved in the Uganda Grassroots Nutrition program to share their experience of receiving capacity development support.

Provide a chance for stakeholders to discuss and share their experience on capacity development in nutrition programming in Uganda.

This learning event will create an opportunity for stakeholders involved in nutrition programming in Uganda such as Government, NGOs, Donors and CSOs to pause and reflect on their capacity building approaches for programming for better nutrition outcomes. This event is a great opportunity to hear the voices of recipients as well as providers of capacity development support and learn more about how new insights in capacity development can improve nutrition programming.

To register, use this link.

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