Strengthening frontline public health services during COVID-19:
Introducing innovative IYCF tools
for health and nutrition workers

Digital Webinar - 25 MAY 2021
08:00-09:00 Washington (GMT-4)  // 13:00-14:00 London (GMT+1)

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global emergency affecting almost every country in the world with millions of cases and deaths. Research findings show that there have been disruptions and reductions in key maternal and child health services in many countries due to COVID-19.

Funded by BHA, Save the Children and partners have developed new tools focused on innovative solutions to support health and nutrition workers providing lifesaving services and support to caregivers during a time requiring social distancing, reduced contact, and other service adaptations. 

In this one hour webinar, the following innovations will be presented: 

An interactive digital platform providing access to the most up-to-date and relevant resources in Infant and Young Child Nutrition in Emergencies

A set of micro-learning videos for frontline staff; and

A set of globally-endorsed guidelines on the provision of e-Counseling, the facilitation of group support, and home visits during COVID-19. 

Practitioners from Save the Children and partners will share their experiences and challenges protecting and supporting caregivers and their children during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their insights on these innovative and game-changing tools. 

Participants will be welcome to share their thoughts, questions, and considerations around the new tools, and are encouraged to support their wider dissemination. 

This webinar will feature representatives from:

Save the Children's global technical team

Infant Feeding in Emergency (IFE) Core Group

Frontline health and nutrition practitioners from Save the Children country programs

Register for this Webinar

Digital Webinar - 25 MAY 2021
08:00-09:00 Washington (GMT-4)  // 13:00-14:00 London (GMT+1)

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