WHO (Dept of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing) has just advertised a position for the Child Health and Development team that very much focuses on research. Please see the link below.

This is an important position and aims to retain our focus on coordinating and supporting high priority research. We are looking for someone with research experience especially intervention studies in global child health. We do not have the opportunity to recruit these posts very often.The position supports the vision of building on a history of implementation and intervention research.

Position title: Medical Officer

Grade: P5

Contract duration: 2 Years

Org structure: World Health Organization and Other Entities>WHO - World Health Organization>HQ Headquarters>HQ/UHL UHC/Life Course>HQ/MCA Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health & Ageing

Weblink:  https://careers.who.int/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2101745&tz=GMT+02:00&tzname=Europe/Berlin

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