HUMCAP is planning a new session of the intensive training on Nutrition In Humanitarian Assistance. 

Course dates: 14-18 June 2021

Modality: Live online


The course aims to provide an overview of nutrition interventions implemented in humanitarian settings. It will follow the project cycle steps, so focusing on how to assess malnutrition from a qualitative and quantitative point of view and contextualize underlying causes and challenges, how to design and plan the most suitable intervention and how to monitor it in an effective and efficient manner.
The course will include the following topics
• a general review of the different types of malnutrition and their direct and underlying causes
• assessing and measuring malnutrition at population and individual level
• common nutritional interventions (CMAM and IYCF)
• monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of nutrition interventions
Additional issues discussed will include:
• Remaining challenges and humanitarian dilemmas related to nutrition
• Integrated programming: food security and WASH plus nutrition interventions. Nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions
• The Sphere guidelines and other relevant nutrition standards
The course content is based on the Harmonised Training Package of the Global Nutrition Cluster, the Lancet 2013 Nutrition series and Global Health and Nutrition policies agreed at the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

Participants will be granted a digital badge via the HPASS platform (

Cost: 450 euro (it includes: lessons, training pack and certification). Reduction for national responders: 250 euro.

Program details available at:

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