Question arising from webinar: What promising practices or evidence-based approaches have been effective in addressing adolescent anaemia in both girls and boys (implementation/operational research)?

A recent systematic review (Salam et al. Effects of Preventive Nutrition Interventions among Adolescents on Health and Nutritional Status in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 2020) looked at micronutrient supplementation interventions, including iron with or without folic acid, among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries. Effects of iron supplementation (with or without folic acid) on anemia were inconclusive, but potential improvements in hemoglobin concentrations were noted. The delivery platform was school-based, which is an important means of reaching adolescents with nutrition interventions (though out-of-school adolescents should not be left behind). Overall, this review highlights the dearth of evidence on which to base micronutrient supplementation policies and progams for adolescent boys and girls. 

Emily Keats
Technical Expert


3 years ago
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