Dear all,

Can anyone share an example of a wasting capacity mapping tool that can be used to assess the service delivery aspect of an emergency nutrition response  - something that can be used at country level to identify gaps and needs in the response to wasting?

We are also interested in any individual capacity assessment tools, that focus on the individual capacity of health workers to implement CMAM - any tools similar to the IYCF-E individual capacity assessment tool, but designed for CMAM programming. 

Thank you,


for the GNC-Technical Alliance Wasting Global Technical Working Group

This is the sort of thing that the CSAS coverage method was deigned for. This was first used at district level but was adopted in Ethiopia fro use over much wider areas. S3M is a better (i.e. more efficient and lower cost compared to CSAS) mapping survey method that was developed initially for use in Ethiopia. S3M has been used at the national level twice in Sudan and one application was to map a need and geographical coverage to identify gaps and reform the national CMAM program. A similar application has been attempted in Niger.

Mark Myatt


3 years ago
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