Dear Colleagues,

We have updated our special repository on Breastfeeding, Infant Feeding, Breast Milk and COVID-19. Since our last update Friday 18 December 2020, we have added 10 NEW publications for December (4 new), November (4 new), October (1 new), and September (1 new).

Click here to view the updated repository

All publications provide emerging evidence related to COVID-19 and

  • Breastfeeding and breast milk (including viral transmission issues)
  • Infant feeding recommendations
  • Feeding difficulties in newborns

While there were several recent reviews of international literature, this update also adds emerging evidence from Botswana, Turkey, India, China, the United States, and Brazil.

One study reviewed 68 COVID-19 guidance documents from 33 countries related to maternal and newborn care to assess alignment with WHO recommendations in the following areas: skin-to-skin contact; early initiation of breastfeeding; rooming- in; direct breastfeeding; provision of expressed breastmilk; provision of donor human milk; wet nursing; provision of breastmilk substitutes; and psychological support for separated mothers and infants. The authors found that no single guideline aligned with WHO guidance in all areas, which they attribute to a lack of international consistency, early influential guidance that conflicted with WHO recommendations, and an undervaluing of maternal proximity and breastfeeding to infant health.

Recently, researchers in Turkey found that mothers’ fear of infecting their infants during breastfeeding was significantly associated with depression symptoms. Another study surveyed Human Milk Bank coordinators in Brazil to explore the adaptations made in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide breastfeeding education and support postpartum.

A surveillance study in Botswana of birth outcomes before and after COVID-19 lockdowns also discusses the potential impact of interventions to address food insecurity and provide increased nutritional support.

The next update for this specific repository will be on Wednesday 13 January, 2021. If you know anyone who would benefit from these updates, please let me know.

Happy reading!

Mija Ververs 

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