Dear colleagues

Today, Save the Children and the Technical Rapid Response Team, are launching two (2) new products to help improve IYCF-E programming; We are thankful to all the partners that have provided valuable inputs and contributions during the development and finalization of the products: you can download them from here:

A special thanks and recognition go to Sebsibie Teshome and Sura Al Samman staff of Save the Children, for their leadership, commitment, expertise, energy and enthusiasm!!!! Save the Children is lucky to have you both in our organization. Thanks

We will review their uptake, get feedbacks, work on improving them after 6 to 12 months from their dissemination. Thanks to all for helping …


This IYCF/IYCF-E program adaptation tool, for use in the context of COVID19, has been developed to assist program implementers in determining scale up/scale down of IYCF/IYCF-E activities in response to COVID-19, at national or sub national levels. This relates to the 1) Mobility of staff, community agents and or population 2) Restrictions or limitations related to meetings, trainings, and gatherings and 3) Other related measures.

This tool is not meant to illustrate the “How” part, further guidance on programmatic adaptations and on reducing viral transmission while ensuring the effective delivery of different IYCF/IYCF-E services/ activities in the COVID-19 context can be found in the resources section of the document.

This IYCF-E program adaptation tool in the context of COVID-19 is a generic guidance and should be used in alignment with the national and/or subnational guidance developed for the COVID-19 context.


This IYCF-E SOP was developed to illustrate what steps to take and when to take them during the first year of an IYCF-E response. The SOP is intended to implement actions and recommendations reflected in the Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE).

The purpose of this SOP is to provide recommendations on actions that need to be taken under each of the 6 steps during specific timelines in an emergency response to ensure timely, appropriate and effective protection, promotion and support for safe and appropriate feeding for infants and young children in emergencies. This SOP hopes to encourage the use of the IFE Core Group Resources, the Save the Children IYCF-E Toolkit and different guidelines and tools developed by the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance (formerly the GTAM) and governments by referring to them multiple times throughout the document. The latest version of the IYCF-E Toolkit (v3) is a repository of various resource materials on IYCF-E. It has been translated in Arabic and French and can be accessed through this link.

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