ECSA-02 - Support Implementation of a Regional Nutrition Knowledge Sharing Platform for the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)


The overall objective of this TA is to provide medium term support to ECSA-HC to develop, and begin the implementation of, a plan for a regional learning and sharing platform. Considering this, the following objectives are to be attained through this assignment.

Overall objective

This TA will allow ECSA-HC to develop a plan for the implementation of a regional knowledge sharing platform for the benefit of the high-priority stakeholders group and individuals identified and prioritized in Phase I, as listed in the table above. Once the implementation plan has been finalized, and pilot activities prioritized, this TA will support ECSA-HC in the implementation of those pilot activities to engage the prioritized group in the established regional knowledge sharing platform. It is expected that the TA will also strengthen the capacities of ECSA-HC to manage a knowledge sharing platform and to develop proposals for the mobilization of resources for the plan and sustainability of the platform. It is envisaged that the TA will make use of innovative approaches to maximize impact for planning a partnership and coordination platform within the ECSA region.

It is expected that the gender aspect will be taken into consideration throughout the development of the implementation plan. The TA provider will be supported by NI TAN's Gender Adviser to ensure gender equality considerations are adequately incorporated as appropriate and whenever feasible.

Specific objectives

1. Development of an implementation plan for a regional knowledge-sharing platform, for improved coordination on scaling up multi-sectoral nutrition programs

2. Support to ECSA-HC for the implementation,documentation and sharing of the pilot phase of the regional knowledge-sharing platform and monitor progress

3. Development of proposals for the funding part of the post-pilot portion of the implementation plan

Duty Station/Location

The consultant will perform part of the work from their home base, and part at ECSA-HC's office in Arusha, Tanzania. It is expected the consultant will spend one work week per month in Arusha. All travels required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International. Travel allowances maximums are based on standard rates of the organization.


The TA will begin on September, 2020, and end on June 30 , 2021. It is expected that the consultant will dedicate approximately 60 days to this TA.

For the complete terms of reference and application information please visit:

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