Dear all!

I am looking for people willing to share their thoughts and knowledge on current national SAM / CMAM / IMAM guidelines , specifically the recommendations for the management of At-Risk Mother and Infants <6 months (MAMI) and disabled children , for a study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

In this study, we assess the presence of any guidance for managing SAM in disabled children, as well as the state of implementation of the 2013 WHO recommendations on MAMI into national guidelines (eg recommendation for outpatient treatment for uncomplicated SAM in infants <6 months) .

To better understand barriers to implementation, we are hoping to talk to people (currently or previously) involved in national policy development, working in nutrition program planning or working with MAMI in various capacities.

Initially, this project will be used as thesis for my MSc program, with the aim to publish the results together with the MAMI Special Interest Group in order to inform upcoming rounds of guideline development.

Participation will mean one single interview via online call, lasting max. 45 minutes, in English, French, German or Spanish as feels most comfortable to you (statements made in a personal capacity only, not as representatives of countries or organizations).

Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

If you would like to participate or should you have any questions, please contact me at so we can set up a time to talk!

Thank you very much!

Dear all,

I meant to post this in English and French, but the French part got auto-translated on the forum, thus posting the French part here!


Hello !

I am looking for motivated people to share their thoughts and knowledge on current national PCIMA protocols , in particular on recommendations for the care of infants at risk <6 months (MAMI) and children with disabilities, for a study at the London School. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

In this study, we assess the presence of specific protocols for the management of SAM in children with disabilities, as well as the status of implementing the WHO recommendations of 2013 on MAMI in national protocols (for example , the recommendation for outpatient treatment for uncomplicated SAM in infants <6 months).

To better understand the obstacles to implementing the WHO recommendations, we hope to speak with people (currently or previously) involved in the development of national PCIMA protocols, working in planning nutrition programs, or working with MAMI / children. disabled with MAS in other capacities.

This project will be used as a thesis for my MSc program, with the aim of publishing the results in collaboration with the MAMI Special Interest Group to inform the next phases of development of national / WHO protocols.

Your participation will be only one interview per online call, for a maximum duration. 45 minutes, in English, French, German or Spanish, whichever suits you best. Your responses will be viewed as personal responses only, not as representatives of countries or organizations.

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact me at so that we can set a time to speak!

Thank you so much !



4 years ago

Which qualifications are you interested in for the interview partner to have. Thank you.



4 years ago

Dear Dr. Lubega Mathias,

thank you for your reply! Regarding professional qualifications, the participants will be diverse - nutrition experts (eg working in planning nutrition programs in their country or involved in the development of national protocols), doctors or nurses working with MAMI / handicapped children with knowledge of the implications of WHO protocol 2013. If you see yourself in one of these groups, please send me a line by email!

thank you so much





4 years ago
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