The World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is officially celebrated from 1- 7 August every year. Celebrations may also take place at other times of the year for example some countries celebrate in October. WABA aims to increase online engagement throughout the year in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Are you planning to organise any virtual or physical event to celebrate WBW2020? Pledge your event to be pinned on the WBW pledge map and inform others of your event.

Pledge your event

WABA is also offering a few WBW2020 seed grants of up to USD1,000 for organisations to carry out activities aligned with the WBW2020 key actions. The project implementation period is between August 2020 to December 2020. We seek projects that are innovative, impactful, involve a range of stakeholders and can be replicated elsewhere. The application deadline is  25 June 2020.

To apply for a seed grant:

Read and refer to the WBW2020 Seed Grant concept note and WBW2020 Action Folder. 

Pledge your event on the WBW2020 website and fill the WBW2020 Seed Grant application form before 25 June 2020. 

Shortlisted organisations will be invited to submit a full project proposal.

Proposals will be assessed by a panel of experts, and successful applications will be announced mid-July 2020.

Visit the WBW2020 Seed Grant Program page for more details. We look forward to receiving your pledge and seed grant application.

WBW2020 Seed Grant Program

The slogan for #WBW2020 is “Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet” and focuses on the need to support breastfeeding in light of the challenges facing our planet and its people. Read the Action Folder to understand the links between breastfeeding and planetary health.

Download The #WBW2020 Action Folder

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