Dear colleagues!

We are glad to share with you all, a fantastic new resource for your nutrition programming –IYCF-E Capacity Mapping Tool Version 1.0, attached - jointly developed by UNICEF and Save the Children in the Eastern and Southern Africa region

The tool has a long history of development, and since its inception in 2017, several staff in both organizations have supported its development, tested it and helped finalize the product we are sharing today.

The tool is universal, so it can be applied and is recommended for use in all contexts. While acknowledging it is a first version, it has been recently tested in several contexts, including in the ESA and Latin American regions and received positive feedback.

Please find the link to the IYCF-E Capacity Mapping tool here: 

Of note is that we are also in discussions with the GNC on the possibility to organize a session where we can introduce the nutrition community to this tool and walk through some of its strengths and characteristics.

As stated, this is a version 1.0, and in the next 6 months or so, we aim to collect experiences, feedback, inputs, so that we could look at an updated version 1.1 in 2021.

Please do disseminate widely amongst your partners and sector colleagues at country level and do let us know if you have specific questions or any feedback on its use, which is always very welcome

For such feedback please contact:

For Save the Children – Alessandro Iellamo -

For UNICEF ESAR – Marjorie Volege – 

Stay safe and healthy!

Best wishes

UNICEF and Save the Children Eastern and Southern Africa Region.  

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