In January 2018, the Council of Research & Technical Advice on Acute Malnutrition (CORTASAM) and the No Wasted Lives Coalition published a global Research Agenda for Acute Malnutrition. Recognising significant recent research efforts, CORTASAM initiated a Research Landscape Review to evaluate progress in the seven research priority areas of the Research Agenda since 2017. The objectives of the Landscape Review in 2020 were to:

  1. Review completed, ongoing, or planned research in the seven research priority areas of the Research Agenda, building on the original mapping of evidence and focusing on new efforts since 2017; and
  2. Evaluate outstanding research needs and progress towards the 2020 outcomes specified in the Research Agenda.

The results of this review show that progress has been made towards answering key research questions, however major gaps remain and new questions have emerged. The results, including details on the methodology, can be accessed here.

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The No Wasted Lives Coalition is an interagency effort between Action Against Hunger, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the European Commission Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), the innocent foundation, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), UNICEF, and World Food Programme (WFP) to promote a coordinated approach to child health and nutrition.

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