Dear all,

The IFE Core Group is planning a series of webinars to be rolled out during 2020 focusing on the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Operational Guidance (IFE-OG)  and is calling for submission of relevant Case Studies to be presented during the webinars. 

The objectives of these webinars are to:

  • Raise awareness on the different recommendations and standards proposed by the IFE-OG
  • Increase knowledge and understanding through sharing of best practices and lessons learned  in the implementation of the IFE-OG at the country level
  • Galvanize field workers, programme managers, decision and policy makers, donors and funding agencies in scaling up efforts and resources for the effective implementation of the IFE-OG across contexts  

The webinars will target a wide range of audiences including field workers and staff from government, national and international organizations (health and nutrition, FSL, WASH and other relevant sectors); Health and Nutrition Programme Managers; donor/funding agencies; and policy makers. 

The webinars help unpack and better understand the different actions, standards and recommendations of the IFE-OG with concrete field experiences. The series is planned to reflect the different components of the guidance.

Each webinar will be facilitated by a lead specialist in the field, and provide space for 2 case study presentations from humanitarian and fragile environments.

With this call, we would like to solicit the submission of relevant Case Studies on the implementation of the IFE-OG. If you are interested to submit a Case Study that is relevant to the IFE-OG, please fill out this form and send it to: and on or before COB April 15, 2020. 

Feel free to send any queries and requests for clarification also on the same e-mails.        

Thank you very much in advance for your contribution and we look forward to an exciting webinar series. 
Kind regards, 


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