Buenas noches. 

Sabemos que el ATLU  (plumpy nut), contiene de 10 a 14 mg/ 100 g, y que es suficiente para el tratamiento de la anemia por déficit de este  micronutriente, en el manejointegral ambulatorio de la desnutición aguda. 

¿Existe algúna indicación para suplementar hierro oral, además del ofrecido en ATLU?

¿Cuál sería el punto de corte del valor de hemoglobina?

¿Es correcto suplementarlo con hemoglobina menor de 6 g/dl?


English automatic translation:

Good evening,

We know that RUTF (plumpy'nut) contains 10-14mg/100g and that is adequate for treatment of anaemia due to deficiency of this micronutrient in the ambulatory management of acute malnutrition.

Is there any indication to provide oral iron supplements in addition to that offered by RUTF?

What would be the cut-off point of the haemoglobin value?

Is it correct to supplement when haemoglobin is less than 6g/dl? 

Thank you.

Good morning Malnourished patient have low blood protein Therefore iron supplements are given cautiously in the catch-up phase after stabilisation and for uncomplicated Malnutrition is used as first Choice of therapeutic food. This is to avoid having excess free iron in the blood that 1. Worsens infection since it's food for microbes 2. Free iron forms free radicals that destroy body cells

This means the patient will take time to recover and regain normal HB



4 years ago

Dear Spencer,

Please also see this former post on en-net in regards to iron supplementation in the context of CMAM: https://www.en-net.org/question/3689.aspx

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago
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