USAID Advancing Nutrition is the Agency’s flagship multi-sectoral nutrition project, led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), and a diverse group of experienced partners. We strengthen the enabling environment for and support country-led scale-up of effective, integrated and sustainable multi-sectoral nutrition programs, interventions and food and health systems.

We are currently seeking a consultant to assist with the completion of a review of food assistance modality decision making and activity design for USAID's Office of Food for Peace. This activity will allow USAID to better understand how food assistance modality selection guidance is applied and potentially how different food assistance modalities (in-kind, cash, voucher, etc.) are being used to leverage nutrition outcomes. The anticipated level of effort is up to 15 days from March 1-31, 2020. The consultant duties include, but not limited to, conducting of interviews; discussion and synthesizing of data; review of reports, supplemental sections and other documents; and, drafting of final reports. USAID Advancing Nutrition is seeking consultants with excellent writing skills (English), prior experience in designing, analyzing and/or implementing in-kind food assistance programs, and at least a Master’s Degree in nutrition or a related field. Experience with cash/voucher programs and Washington-DC based is preferred but not required. Interested consultants are invited to submit their CV's to Collin Anderson via email at with 'Modalities Consultant' in the subject line.

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