Welthungerhilfe (www.welthungerhilfe.de) is one of the large and respected private organisations in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. It carries out projects in 39 countries and campaigns for fairer cooperation with developing countries.

Concern Worldwide (www.concern.net) is a nongovernmental, international, humanitarian organisationdedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

If you are prepared to dedicate yourself to our work and you match the requirements set out below, we look forward to receiving your application for the position of Consultant for the Evaluation of the Global Hunger Index (m/f)

This posting concerns a short-time assignment of about 20-25 days working for Welthungerhilfe in a freelance capacity.

Objectives and responsibilities of the position

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the relevance of the Global Hunger Index (GHI) as an advocacy and communications tool in its current form and to identify potential options for its future development.

Your most important duties are as follows:

§ Desk review of existing documentation related to the GHI

§ Mapping of existing reports and publications in the field of Food and Nutrition Security and hunger

§ Conduct individual and/or group interviews with key staff members and external stakeholders

§ Summarise the research to identify strategic options for Concern and Welthungerhilfe for the future development of the report

§ Prepare an inception report, a final report and provide a feedback session with key personnel in Concern and Welthungerhilfe

Your qualifications will include:

§ University degree in a relevant field, such as political, social, economic, nutrition, agricultural, or communication sciences

§ Experience working in advocacy and communications

§ Extensive experience in conducting evaluations in the field of international development

§ Comprehensive knowledge of food and nutrition security

§ Proficiency in applying qualitative research methods

§ Strong analytical and facilitation skills

§ Fluency in English, written and spoken

Please find the full Terms of Reference https://www.welthungerhilfe.de/ueber-uns/ausschreibungen/

Please send your expression of interest to miriam.wiemers@welthungerhilfe.de by 22 January 2020 15:00 GMT+1, quoting reference “GHI Evaluation Consultancy” and including:

§ brief methodology and workplan,

§ CV and references,

§ any examples of similar studies and

§ budget proposal.

Offers will be accepted from individual consultants as well as from commercial companies, NGOs or academics.

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