USAID-Advancing Nutrition, a technical assistance contract providing support to USAID, is seeking a consultant to assist in a food basket assessment for USAID's Office of Food for Peace. This activity will allow USAID to better understand how food assistance is calculated and the nutritional implications of in-kind ration sizes and targeting decisions, within 2-3 protracted emergency scenarios, using a nutritional calculator (Nut-val) and with reference to other published resources and interviews with implementing partners/humanitarian agencies.

The work is expected to take approximately 12 days, between January 6 and February 7, 2020. Consultants with prior experience in analyzing and/or implementing food assistance programs and at least a Masters Degree in nutrition or a related field, are invited to submit their CV’s to  Interested applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP. This position will remain open until filled. Position posted on December 27, 2019.

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