I am kindly requesting the latest guidance in terms of IYCF questions/questionnaire which is currently in use for large-scale surveys. Reference documents/links would be most appreciated.

Thanks a lot for this important question. I am sharing with you the 

1. revised/updated list of indicators. See how MAD has been re formulated.

https://data.unicef.org/topic/nutrition/infant-and-young-child-feeding/ (go at the bottom of the page), at the very bottom you also have the link to the standard questions 

2. Links to DHS and MICS survey questionnaires

https://dhsprogram.com/publications/publication-dhsq4-dhs-questionnaires-and-manuals.cfm (look for the child health component and the speciific child nutrition component)

https://mics.unicef.org/tools (check the questionnaire for children <5)

thanks a lot and best regards

Alessandro Iellamo


4 years ago

Thank you very much Alessandro

Blessing Mureverwi


4 years ago

Hello Team

Is there any questionaire specific for any research focusing on knowledge, attitude and 

Practices of mother's towards IYC practices.?

If any please share


Ruma Daniel Hendry


4 years ago

Thanks a very important and relevant question. I am not aware of something really new, but the following guidance may be of help. Remember most of the time the context and the situation are needed to shape the most appropriate KAP questions.

FAO questionnaires: http://www.fao.org/3/i3545e/i3545e00.pdf

FAO Guidance: http://www.fao.org/3/i3545e/i3545e00.htm

KAP survey methods and tools (samples) http://nutritioncluster.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/02/iycf_kap_survey_report_syria_vf_1.pdf

spring tools: http://www.spring-nutrition.org/sites/default/files/publications/tools/spring_context_assessment_tools_all.pdf

Alessandro Iellamo


4 years ago

Thank you so much Alessandro, the gudience you shared will help me so much.

Ruma Daniel Hendry


4 years ago

Dear All,

May you kindly help me to have an indicator for monitoring IYCF-E program intervention in Emergency setting from a routine program data. Thank you very much for the support.   

Tajudin Ahmed


4 years ago

Hi excellent question

may I suggest you look at the Nutrition in Emergencies Registry from where you can find a list of IYCF-E indicators and based on your actual intervention package you may select the most appropriate.

At the same time, the registry suggests those indicators that we need to monitor to ensure that we are protecting, promoting and support IYCF practices also during the emergencies 


Alessandro Iellamo


4 years ago


Is there a WHO questionnaire focusing on the knowledge, attitude and practices of mother's towards complementary feeding practices? 

Kindly share, Please.

Cathy Njenga


1 year ago
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