“Commercial determinants of health” are an increasing problem for both national and global public health. Along with tobacco and pharmaceutical advertising, the promotion of ‘infant formula’ milk and other breastmilk substitutes (BMS) has long been a contentious issue.  

Following a high profile 2018 investigation by Dr Chris Van Tulleken, the British Medical Journal publishing group recently announced a landmark decision to stop advertising BMS. However, numerous other journals aimed at healthcare professionals continue to carry such advertisements. Some argue that these are needed to provide information, especially on specialist feeding products.

During this evening event, three speakers will outline their research on the BMS industry and its engagement with healthcare professionals. This will be followed by a panel discussion on how to ensure that healthcare professionals can have independent, evidence-based information that is needed to practice in a way that avoids commercial influence. You are all invited to join us, continuing conversations at the Pumphandle Bar afterward.

This event takes place at John Snow Lecture Theatre, LSHTM, London on Thursday 5th December 2019, 17:30-19:00. It is open to all interested in child health, nutrition and public health.     

Follow this link for further information:


Dear Tamsin,

If there is a video or audio recording or a report of this very important and interesting event I do hope you will share on this thread. Best wishes Charulatha

Dr Charulatha Banerjee


4 years ago
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