Hi Helpfull links to guide you. http://www.unscn.org/en/gnc_htp/howto-htp.php#howtousehtp http://www.nietraining.net/
Rogers Wanyama


13 years ago
There are plenty of issues I think that could be incorporated in such a text book.I am listing here some ideas that are typical for that region and should additionally be included. Amongst others: urban versus rural disasters and the impact of emergencies on nutrition esp in; infant and young child feeding, malnutrition paradox: obese parents and underweight children, food rations: the debate of including (or not!!!) milk powder, H1N1: what to do in case of quarantaine/6 weeks containment on nutrition and how to prepare, etc Apart from these ideas, the usual ones such as listed in the HTP. Hope this helps, regards, Mija
Mija Ververs


13 years ago
Hi, Quite a lot of work was done in the Lebanon crisis in 2006 by Save the Children on infant and young child feeding in emergencies. This was reported in a field exchange article and in an ODI paper. Save the Children UK has a couple of reports about it that may be useful in order to ensure that lessons learnt are incorporated in the text book that you describe. The summary one is available in the IFE resource library on www.ennonline.net/ife It can be argued that appropriate IFE is even MORE important in areas such as the Arab and Middle East region where not-breastfed rates are very high and so during emergencies these infants (and their caregivers) need the right kind of support. Incorporating the Operational Guidance on IFE as part of the text book is REALLY important for a start Contact me at Save the Children: a.maclaine@savethechildren.org.uk if you want the longer report. Best wishes.


13 years ago
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