This year again, the R4NUT organizing committee is inviting actors engaged in the fight against undernutrition to share innovation and best practices for the measurement, detection, diagnosis of acute malnutrition as well as prevention and treatment interventions in development and humanitarian contexts, with special emphasis on prevention.

The R4NUT will be seeking submissions describing scientific results which can improve operational interventions. Abstracts on process, methodology or protocol can also be considered.

Presentations will be organised in separate thematic sessions. Some of the sessions will be determined in advance with guest speakers invited by AAH, and some sessions will be based on the outcomes of abstracts’ selection.

How and when to submit?

Authors should submit abstracts according to the template below (to attach to the message) by SEPT 15, 2019

and by email to the following address:

See the detailed call for abstract in EN and FR on the website :

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