Technical assistance for the development of rules of business for implementation of the Food Authority Act (FAA) 2016, and strengthening of the Food Control Authority (FCA) for Government of the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Balochistan province of Pakistan

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Overall objective

To support the development of rules of business detailing the modalities for implementation of the FAA 2016, and strengthening of the FCA, to eventually help achieve objectives of the FAA, for GoAJ&K and Balochistan province.


This TA is expected to provide significant contribution to the Government of AJ&K Food Authority and Balochistan Food Authority’s ability to effectively implement food safety legislation in the AJ&K and Balochistan. It is expected that this consultancy will lead to the following results:

  • Rules of business and standards for FAA 2016 and BFA 2014 formulated are in line with the global and national standards, and accepted by stakeholders
  • The rules of business developed in the legal formats of standalone regulations per subject as per the formats prescribed by the AJ&K law department and Balochistan law department
  • The Expert/scientific committee is formed with appropriate representation from the relevant stakeholders and their mandates developed and agreed
  • Phased PC- 1 drafted for establishment of Food Authority AJ&K including establishment of accredited Food Quality Control Laboratory
  • Effective coordination and coherence established with other existing acts and bodies, including National standardization body (PSQCA), Ministry of Science and Technology.

The successful applicant(s) is expected to work closely with multiple government departments like commerce, industries, food, agriculture, law department etcetera, other relevant stakeholders and NI to ensure that the approach fits the desired focus of this TA at each step.

Consultations must be held with the Departments of Food, Agriculture, Health, Local Government and Rural Development, Law Department, Agriculture department, Planning and Development departments of Government of AJK and Government of Balochistan, Food business companies and trade unions and Local Academia.

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