How can we calculate F-75 and F-100 per caseload ( The new tin packages) or the average amount to be requested per case? While in sachets we could calculate the amount per case to be cured.

Hi Anonymous,
Please refer to the following links for packaging and reconstitution information for the new tins:
(English version:
Arabic and French language versions also available.

The amount of therapeutic milks used has changed over the years due to changing protocols:

The new packaging does not change the way protocols are implemented or the nutritional value of the reconstituted milk. The easiest way to calculate your need is to review previous usage using the packets and recalculate using the new tins (400g F75 / F100 per tin).
It is important to use the scoops that are provided by the manufacturer with the tins (and not to use old scoops from other packets / tins).



Paul Binns
Technical Expert


5 years ago

Thank you Paul. Yes, currently I am using the way you suggested, I estimate my need in previous way and recalculate it to the tin. I was wondering if there was some standards. Thank you for the advice



5 years ago
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