Hi all, is there a standard calculation of RUTF requirements per child for programmes where TSFP is not in place and the discharge from OTP is set at 125mm MUAC for 2 consecutive weeks? I have seen 0.8 cartons per child use where the discharge is at >115mm so I was wondering how this should be adjusted where the discharge is higher (but admission still at <115).

Hello Alison, the question is how long this child will stay in the program? the matter is not the child will be discharged at 125mm MUAC less or more, the issue is that in the OTP the children will be admitted with different body weights and discharged with different length of stay and the calculation of the RUTF dose will based on the child's weight, so we need to take the average body weight for the targeted children in the program assuming that the lowest weight is 4kg as in the OTP it is not allowed to admit children less than 4kg they should be referred to the TFC and the highest weight is 12Kg as it is very rare to find children U5 with SAM more than this weight, so the average can be multiplied by the daily dose of the RUTF for the child Based on a Dose of 200 kcal/kg Bodyweight/Day Using 92 g Packets Containing 500 kcal and average length of stay in days.

Hamed Habbat


5 years ago
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