Dear all,
Most of you aware about the monthly CMAM reports and each month the basis is:-
- The child is admitted
- The child is discharged
In addition to the stock management tracker

The reports only record the admission and discharge.
Between admission and discharge the child is passing through many visits of follow up we are not aware about. ONLY Health Workers (HWs) in the HFs are aware of it because they have the admission/follow up cards.
What about having a system (SQL Server-based) and can be Android application-based system. The idea of this system to reflect all the follow up visits to this system so Quality monitoring can be done remotely. What do you think?

Hi Tammam,
Have a look at the video here:

Remote individual monitoring is possible (a huge amount of data) and potentially useful. Much more useful is if the monitoring components are built into the software to guide the practitioner. Any necessary actions to improve the individual child's welfare can be taken immediately, and is more likely to improve practices at field level.


Paul Binns
Technical Expert


5 years ago

Hi Paul,
Thank you very much for sharing the video. My understanding now CMAM application used by World Vision is including all the visits, meaning the admission/follow up cards are reflected in the application, right?
Then you have master data base of collection, data analysis, and reports extracting, right?
If this is the case this is what I mean exactly. Thanks again and looking forward to having a copy of your application.

Tammam Ali Mohammed Ahmed


5 years ago

Hi Tammam,
I'm sorry I don't have access to this application. Perhaps try contacting someone at World Vision or another organisation.


Paul Binns
Technical Expert


5 years ago

Hi both,

I've been involved with both CMAM Report and the CMAM mHealth application in Kenya and know how both systems work. I'd be happy to have a conversation to talk them through with you if helpful Dr Tammam. I think you have my email address already but here it is

I'm also sharing some more info and write up on the CMAM mHealth application here and the evaluation of the work in Kenya too in case it's of interest.

Many Thanks,


Assessment of Effectiveness of CMAM mHealth App compared to the Paper Based System
In Kenya, Save the Children led a randomised evaluation comparing the completeness, quality and speed of data collected through the paper-based system and the CMAM mHealth app over one year. The study found that:
• The app reduced the number of reporting errors by 25 per cent
• Provided caseload and treatment data to decision-makers within 1.3 days of collection
• Increased the accuracy and reliability of treatment outcome data
• Improved health workers’ adherence to the IMAM treatment protocol

The study found that effectiveness is dependent on health workers being well trained and having adequate time to manage cases and ongoing software support. Next steps to address challenges include simplification of protocols, working closer with Ministry of Health (MoH) on data management and exploring scale-up linked to existing health services.

• An article was published in Field Exchange summarising the experience of deploying the application and giving recommendation for the future, which can be accessed here:
• A video on the mHealth application in action in Kenya:
• A Learning / Working Paper capturing operational learning from the five pilot countries:
• A 3-page Research Brief summarising the operational learning:
• An article was published in Field Exchange summarising the evaluation in Wajir:
• The preliminary findings from the randomised evaluation in Wajir, Kenya are available here:


Emily Keane


5 years ago

Hi Tammam,
Miriam Chang ( or myself (, would be happy to discuss the CMAM mhealth application.

Colleen Emary


5 years ago
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