Algeria has been hosting Saharawi refugees since 1975. At present, the political solution for their return is at an impasse as the UN Security Council and the Secretary General are still making efforts to find a solution for the refugees’ future. Consequently, Saharawi refugees have been hosted for over 40 years in the south-west region of Tindouf, Algeria. Their situation is considered a protracted emergency. Several nutrition surveys have been undertaken over the years.

The nutritional problems of greatest public health significance are anaemia in women, and anaemia and stunting in children (aged 6-59 months).

Aim of the survey
· To implement a stratified nutrition survey, one stratum per camp (five in total), to establish a detailed map of the current nutritional profile of the Saharawi refugee population. The results will be used to produce recommendations on actions to improve the nutritional status and health of the Saharawi refugees.

Target population
· Households; Children aged 0 – 59 months; Women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years).

· Determine the malnutrition prevalence in children aged 6-59 months.
· Determine the anaemia prevalence in children aged 6-59 months.
· Assess infant and young children feeding (IYCF) practice indicators.
· Determine the anaemia prevalence in women of reproductive age (15-49 years).
· Determine the overweight prevalence in women of reproductive age (15-49 years).
· Determine the Food Consumption Score of households.
· Determine the extent to which negative coping strategies are used in households.
· Assess Household Dietary Diversity.
· Assess risk factors from chronic diseases such as tobacco use and inadequate diets.
· Strengthen the health system capacity to design and implement nutritional surveys.

Survey Schedule
The nutrition survey is programmed to take place in the spring of 2019. This period also includes feedback and de-briefing meetings in Rabouni, Tindouf and Algiers.

Outputs and Documents
- Nutrition survey - Terms of reference (TORs): The nutrition survey TORs will be produced first in English to be later translated into Spanish.
- Nutrition survey tools and questionnaires: Survey questionnaires will be produced in XLSForm format first in English to facilitate discussion of what information will be included. The final version will then be translated into Spanish. The questionnaires will be further refined and finalised during the training of nutrition survey enumerators, to ensure collection of high-quality data.
- Nutrition survey training package: A training package will be produced in Spanish that will include training slides and the enumerators’ field guide.
- Training of Nutrition survey enumerators: A 12-day long training will be delivered to nutrition survey enumerators to ensure complete understanding of roles and responsibilities, the survey design; as well as the correct utilisation of the nutrition survey tools.
- Technical oversight and supervision for the Nutrition survey implementation: Together with UNHCR and WFP personnel, technical oversight and supervision of survey teams will be delivered during the nutrition survey implementation.
- Nutrition survey datasets: Using an ODK platform for digital capture of questionnaire data, the below listed datasets will be created for survey analysis at the end of the survey. All datasest will be thoroughly clean and adequately labelled in English language.
o Household dataset – containing all household level data
o Women of childbearing age dataset – containing all individual level data of women of childbearing age (15-49 years)
o Children dataset – containing all individual level data of children aged 6-59 months
o ENA dataset – containing all anthropometric and survey design data of children aged 6-59 months
- Nutrition survey preliminary results report: Three weeks after the end of the survey data collection, a report will be delivered written in English and containing the nutrition survey preliminary results. The results will include all standard anthropometric and anaemia indicators, as defined by the SENS guides
- Nutrition survey final report: The final version of the full report will be produced first in English to facilitate discussion. The final approved and cleared version will then be translated into Spanish to be presented to the Saharawi health authorities. Only after the translation of the survey report is finalised, will dissemination of the survey results be carried out.

10+ years of relevant experience
Proven experience in managing , analyzing and writing up Nutrition surveys - essential.
English and Spanish - essential.

Duration of Consultancy
Approximately 3 months, of which 45 days in Tindouf, Algeria

How to Apply
Please send a CV to mentioning "Nutrition Survey Consultant-Algeria" in the title

Closing Date
7th February 2019

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