Terms of Reference: Liberia WASH Consortium (LWC) Proposal Development for Irish Aid 2019-2024
Lead Agency: Oxfam – Lead of the LWC

Expected time-frame: To be completed on or before 28th February, 2019

The Liberia WASH Consortium was established in 2007 as a response to the poor Water, Sanitation and Hygiene access in Liberia. There was a lack of harmonization and coordination in the sector, insufficient national policy frameworks and weak government capacity in the sector.

The Liberia WASH Consortium (LWC) is currently in the final stages of its current Irish Aid-funded project: ‘Tapping into Liberia’s WASH Potential: Strengthening Sustainability in Schools and Communities’. This project seeks to strengthen the sustainability of WASH in schools and communities, and follows on from a previous project by the LWC, also funded by Irish Aid. Irish Aid is currently the sole donor of the Liberia WASH Consortium. A cost extension has been granted up to 31 March 2019.

A revised strategy for the LWC is close to being finalised. Irish Aid have indicated that for 2019-2024 they may be willing to fund the Liberia WASH Consortium for a proposal that aligns with their new 5year strategy, which is focused on improving the nutritional status of children in Liberia. Irish Aid shared this insight during the feedback of the proposal that was written and submitted to them in November 2018. As part of the feedback on that proposal, Irish Aid indicated for a new nutrition-focused proposal with a comprehensive theory of change, context, Gender Gaps to be filled as results of the implementation since it is a core aspect, Scalability, Government involvement and the advocacy to be clearly indicated.

Overview of the Proposal Development Consultancy

1. Purpose of the Consultancy
Irish Aid have indicated that any funding they can give to the LWC in future would be for a strategic programme, which would offer something materially different from what has been done in the past.
There was an initial proposal submitted in late 2018, and a feedback meeting in December 2018. Based on the feedback the LWC acknowledges that the existing TWG may not have the resources and capacity to develop the proposal in the timeframe required hence the need for the consultant.

2. Objective
The objective of the consultancy is to work with members of the LWC to draft and finalise a programme proposal for 5 years. The proposal should be Nutrition Focus/ sensitive with nutrition outcomes, with evidence based Context analysis, a clear Theory of Change, Gender sensitive, clearly showing the role of the Government of Liberia to the sector for Influencing/advocacy works and Learning.

Activities of the Consultant
The following broad activities are envisaged to be undertaken by the Consultant aiming to submit the proposal by 28th Feb 2019, but will need to be reviewed regularly as the consultancy progresses:

1. Work with the LWC Board members and Technical Working Group (TWG) to confirm the strategic goal of the programme – current discussions have been about identifying what programme approaches would maximize the impact of WASH programming to improve the nutritional status of Liberians in a sustainable way – and beginning to look at how to generate political and donor support for such an approach that could be replicated at scale.
2. Using LWC member knowledge and data previous information, reports, as well as publicly available data, document as extensive context analysis as possible. An emphasis should be placed on identifying what we do know about WASH and nutrition in Liberia, and what we do not yet know about – the latter will then be included in the programme activities to look at how we can pilot approaches, carry out action research, or support the Government in IM systems etc. in order to refine the programme approaches being taken/ tested by the LWC.
3. Based on the evidence based context analysis and the proposed phases to be able to reach LWC goal, with the CCT (and board members if needed) discuss the proposed approach with Irish Aid to get a clearer direction as needed. Analyse data on the areas where the program will be implemented.
4. Based on the above, plan out the phases of the strategic programme – ie. Is there need to be an initial data collection or research period, or do we need to test various interventions and schedule review points. At what points should we have broader consultations/ conferences etc planned – bringing expertise, donors, Government together to share the findings. Document agreed approach of which the LWC will recommend to phase out the program implementation
5. Draft a more detailed strategic proposal – with detailed plans for the first intervention phase, and clarity on milestones which will mark a review of direction and approach.
6. Review proposal with LWC Board and TWG, while undergoing clarity discussions with IA prior to final submission.
7. Finalise 5 years’ proposal for Submission, avail consultants’ time to respond to the queries and give feedback timely till when the proposal is approved.

Consortium Roles/responsibilities
1. The Consortium Coordination Team (CCT) - Coordinator and MEAL Officer will be working with consultant hand in hand to getting parts of the proposals that consultant may not have the information and supporting consultant in coordinating all the meetings of which the consultant will see necessary to call in developing the Proposal.
2. Lead Agent (Oxfam) will provide transportation of the Consultant within the country for official purposes only during all specified time of consultancy.
3. Consultant will be reporting to the Liberia WASH Consortium Coordinator.

1. 2019 – 2024 LWC Strategic Proposal for Irish Aid finalized- Narrative Proposal, budget, log-frame and the activity plan.

Qualification/Skills Required
Basic Skills
1. Bachelor’s Degree and post-graduate degree in a relevant field (Nutrition/ WASH, social sciences, research methods, international development M&E, etc.).
2. Significant experience in the design and implementation of qualitative and quantitative research/learning in the field of community development and/or public works.
3. Proven track record of professional, timely and high-quality consultancy assignments in the field of WASH/ Nutrition/ Livelihood with data collection, data entry, data analyses and reporting experience (Context analyses and Proposal Development.
4. Excellent English communication, report writing and presentation skills.
5. Strong critical analysis skills and attention to detail.

Desired Qualifications:
1. A person with Proven experience in Developing different successful Technical Proposals to several Donors, proposals to Irish Aid is an advantage.
2. A person with Proven experience of developing and /or implementing Proposals with WASH and Nutrition focus
3. A person with proven ability to develop and/or implement Integrated Proposals is an advantage

Expression of Interest
A Consultant should submit the following documents as expression of Interest:
1. Letter of expression of Interest
2. Proposed Approach to developing the Narrative Proposal, budget, log-frame and the activity plan
3. Cost proposal for the Consultancy
4. Previous Experience (CV- 4 pages maximum)

If you are interested
Please send the expression of interest to:

Liberia WASH Consortium Coordinator- Oxfam, Gloria Kafuria, GKafuria1@oxfam.org.uk , Country Director-Oxfam
and copy Cecilia Millan, CMillan1@oxfam.org.uk

Deadline for submission: 05/02/2019

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