We invite you to participate in a survey to prioritise research in the prevention of wasting, under the wasting prevention project managed by ENN and funded by DFID through the MQSUN+ programme. A group of international experts have come up with a list of outstanding research questions that we need your help prioritising. Read our full invitation here or go straight to the survey – we estimate that it will take one hour of your time. Just please make sure that you read the instructions before you begin!

Thank you for your participation.


Dear all,

Just a reminder that the wasting prevention research prioritisation survey closes at the end of February, so just 2 days left to participate! We would really like to hear what you think the most important research questions are in this area. Please follow this link to participate in the survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/wastingprevention 

If you have started the survey but not completed it, use the same link again to return to your saved responses. Thank you for taking part!

For further information email chloe@ennonline.net

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago

Apologies, it seems there has been a problem with the link for this survey. Please find it corrected here:


For more explanation about the survey, click here:


Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago
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