We hope that users and potential users are finding v.2.0 of the cMAMI tool helpful. We’ve become aware of a few minor omissions (e.g. not asking about maternal TB as was asked in v1.0 of the tool) and are thus planning a minor update to include corrections (version 2.1) by end of March 2019.
To help with this, please let us know, by 1st March 2019 any:
- Typos
- Other minor issues/omissions/edits

Post your suggested corrections on this en-net thread.

General comments, feedback and experiences of using the tool are also very welcome.

Many protocols ignore this support. Currently our mothers have difficulties to have a sufficient amount of milk beyond four months. So we must expand the criteria for plympynut follow-up for children at OTPs from the 4th month. I have just done 10 years in an inpatient therapeutic nutrition unit and another problem is taking care of the mothers of these children ..

ngakani nyongolo delvaux


5 years ago
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