We conducted SLEAC assessment in some districts and found only 15 SAM children even after completing data collection in all sampled village. Our sample size was 40 SAM children. So, can we classify coverage of program based on this 15 SAM children found during survey?

According to the sample size and if all villages were covered, yes we can classify using this.



6 years ago

This answer is .......... it depends! I advice you to consult SQUEAC/SLEAC Manual https://www.fantaproject.org/sites/default/files/resources/SQUEAC-SLEAC-Technical-Reference-Oct2012_0.pdf, table SL01 on page 21 (of annexes) indicates the acceptable sample size based on the total cases in the service delivery unit. Therefore, you should calculate the expected number of cases and see on the table the required sample size. SAM is a rare condition and it is important to plan a SQUEAC/SLEAC survey during a period where malnutrition is expected to be high.



6 years ago
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