What is the process for setting up the Care Group approach?

Hello Anje
Consult this link, it is a manual designed for the implementation of the Care group approach




5 years ago

Hello Ange,

there is some more info also available via the website http://caregroupinfo.org/.

And the English version of the manual is available here: https://coregroup.org/wp-content/uploads/media-backup/documents/Resources/Tools/tops_care_group_training_manual_2014.pdf

Kindly note that the Care Group is just an intermediate step for reaching your ultimate project participants - you'd form so-called 'neighbour women groups' with those you'd like to reach ultimately, and then they choose a so-called care group volunteer/ CGV, who will join other CGVs and form with them the Care Group. Sorry, I know that wasn't part of your question but I've seen this being confused many times (including myself at the beginning), and it's a key thing to get right....

All the best, Gudrun

Gudrun Stallkamp


5 years ago

Hi Ange,
Please Read the instruction manuals of care groups set up and be aware of huge adaptations to make to important features of CG according to your project context. For ie:
- Organization of compounds/Households very different between traditional village and Post conflict reinstalled villages/ refugee camps featured in the intitial CG model.
- Various mix of technical package to deliver may require appropriate choice in CG volunteers profile to reach different targets ( PLW, adolescents)
We had similar discussion in this forum in 2015 on CG model set up for IYCF here.
I hope this could help.



5 years ago
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