ENN are embarking on a research prioritisation exercise, for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) through the MQSUN+ project, on the critical subject of wasting prevention.

We will use the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative ( CHNRI ) methodology to establish priorities for new research in this area, drawing on a recent review of evidence of what works to prevent wasting and guided by a group of global experts. For more information please read the project summary .

We invite you to participate in this important exercise in three ways:

1) Please send us any research reviews or prioritisation exercises (not individual pieces of research) you have conducted or been involved in, which have identified research gaps in wasting prevention. This will help to inform our list of research gaps/questions to be prioritised.
2) Take part as a key expert in the research prioritisation exercise itself. We will invite a select group of highly experienced individual experts on wasting prevention to complete the questionnaire. If you would like to be considered for this part of the process, please email us .
3) Take part in a very short survey to decide which criteria are most important for judging research questions in this area. We would like a broad range of stakeholders to take part in this survey, the results of which will inform weightings applied to the results of the prioritisation exercise. Sign up here to take part.

Contact: Tanya Khara (ENN Technical Director) email: tanya@ennonline.net with cc. Carmel Dolan (ENN Technical Director) email: carmel@ennonline.net for more information.

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