In a community with high rates of iodine deficiency and the main source of iodine is through salt fortification. Is it advisable to inform caregivers to add iodized salt into complementary food for 6 -23 months? Kindly share links to documents with recommendations. Thank you in advance.

Iodine fortification is important where there
is iodine deficency. Salt is fortified, correct.
IDA is widespread among children. Iron syrups/drops/tablets
are prescribed, however compliance is poor.
Are there programs of flour fortification?
Kindly inform.
Massimo Serventi

Massimo Serventi


6 years ago

Thank you for your references, they were very insightful.

There is no flour fortification in-country, just USI program.

The country DHS states over 90% HHs iodized salt consumption. However, as a preventive measure for children 6-23months according to the ENAs 2013 recommendation, iodine supplements or iodine fortified complementary food are to be offered to children. Which beings me to the next question, does adding iodized salt to complementary food, amount to iodine fortified complementary food? Is it recommended to promote the use of iodized salt in complementary food?

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Marella Jones


6 years ago

Salt should be used reluctantly in complementary foods, since the kidney function of young infants has not yet matured. It would be better to advise the mums to use properly iodized salt, so that they convey it to their infants through their breast milk.

Alida Melse


6 years ago

I fully agree with Alida!
SACN Maximum Salt Intake: 0-6 months<1g / day; 6-12 months 1g / day; 1-3 years 2g / day source: Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, Salt and health. 2003. The Stationery Office. Available at

Aileen Robertson


6 years ago


We are a company under Senegalese law based in Dakar precisely at Lac Rose. Our specialty is the production and sale of iodized salt intended for human and animal consumption.

For more information, contact me by WhatsApp on +221774586005



6 months ago
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