Hi, i would like to know if the technical support of the specialist of the Coverage Monitoring Network is still active, or if there are other projects that can support NGOs to conduct nutrition rapid assessments.

The Coverage Monitoring Network unfortunately came to an end in 2016. However the Action Against Hunger UK team still has a pool of nutrition survey experts who could support you with a range of nutrition survey methodologies. Could you send the details of the support that you need in an email to me and Alexandra?
Our email addresses are as follows:

Many thanks,
Global Coverage Advisor
Action Against Hunger UK

Hugh Lort-Phillips


6 years ago

The coverage monitoring network (CMN) had a five year life (2012 - 2016). Their work is documented and is available from the CMN website.

I still support (questions and bug-fixes) and distribute the SQUEAC and SLEAC software BayesSQUEAC calculator and Tools for SQUEAC and SLEAC.

VALID provide direct support for CSAS, S3M, SQUEAC, SLEAC.

CMN trained quite a few SQUEACers and SLEACers in Africa, Pakistan, Indias, &c. Ask on this forum for a local consultant.

I believe that AAH-UK still provide SQUEAC support.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago
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