Hello - I was wondering if anyone knows if there are open access versions of Linear Programming tools, such as those published by:

Dibari, et al. Low-Cost, Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods Can Be Designed Using Locally Available Commodities with the Aid of Linear Programming.

Ryan, et al. A comprehensive linear programming tool to optimize formulations of ready-to-use therapeutic foods: an application to Ethiopia.

Or has any recommendations for how to go about creating one for a particular region, in this case, Rwanda? What is the usefulness of this tool if it was developed for one region but you use it in another?

Thanks for any leads or advice!

I found information here (https://www.fantaproject.org/tools/optifood) about Optifood but it doesn't seem to be publicly available yet.

Katie Beck


6 years ago

Dear Katie,

you wrote: I was wondering if anyone knows if there are open access versions of Linear Programming tools, such as those published by:
1) Dibari, et al. Low-Cost, Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods Can Be Designed Using Locally Available Commodities with the Aid of Linear Programming.
2) Ryan, et al. A comprehensive linear programming tool to optimize formulations of ready-to-use therapeutic foods: an application to Ethiopia.

Answer 1: I am the PI of the first paper you quote in your question. For the LP analysis, i used MS Excel and the solver add-in function. You can find all the information in the paper itself (see this link: https://goo.gl/9izGEh).

You wrote: Or has any recommendations for how to go about creating one for a particular region, in this case, Rwanda?

Answer: you may wish to contact Valid International (http://www.validinternational.org) and pose you query. However, in Rwanda you should be able to use other formulations developed for the Sub-saharan African region: there are quite a few formulations already tested. Ask Valid.

You wrote: What is the usefulness of this tool if it was developed for one region but you use it in another?

Answer: it is all down to the acceptability. For this one you may wish to run a small trial. A fancy trial approach fo this kind of settings can be found in this paper: https://goo.gl/YSPP3v

I hope all this helps. If any question remained unsolved, you can contact me on filippo.dibari@wfp.org.



filippo dibari


6 years ago

Thanks Fil for your reply. Will email separately if anything else comes up!

Katie Beck


6 years ago
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