Dear Colleagues,

Save the Children has secured funding to conduct an Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) training in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This IYCF-E training is for Nutrition Advisors/Program Managers from organizations working in the country. Please find details below and make sure you nominate your participants by submitting a fully completed application form by Friday, 3rd August 2018 to

Location: Kinshasa, DRC
Dates: Monday, 3rd September – Friday, 7th September 2018
Attendees: Individuals who design and implement IYCF-E programs including Save the Children Nutrition Advisors/ Program Managers, NGOs, UN and MoH Partners and other interested individuals managing IYCF programs in the country
General agenda (specific agenda to be sent nearer the training date):
• What is IYCF-E? Technical session on theory and practice.
• How to plan and implement IYCF-E responses. Introduction to and use of Save the Children’s IYCF-E Toolkit
• Planning for preparedness and scale up

NB: The training will be conducted in French.

Save the Children will offer the full training, lunch and snacks for each day. Other participants’ expenses will however be their responsibility (return trip, all other meals, accommodation and transportation). We will share an estimate of accommodation costs later, once the training venue is confirmed.

To receive your application pack, please contact:
Farah Asfahani :
Anne Marie Kueter:

We look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing you in Kinshasa!

Many thanks,
Farah Asfahani
Humanitarian Surge Team Nutrition Advisor
Save the Children UK

Dear all,

There was a mistake in the email address above. For application packs please contact:
Farah Asfahani :
or Anne Marie Kueter:

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


6 years ago
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