In 2017, AAH developed the Research 4 Action methodology, which aims to produce a synthesis of available evidences on a specific topic, focusing on making them ready-to-use in programming. It also aims to bridge the gap between Research and Action and encourage the necessary change by actively engaging with the key stakeholders on ways to implement the findings in programs and policies.” The process follows three stages:

1- “What we know” stage: Produce a synthesis of the state of scientific evidence on the impacts of Wash on Severe Acute Malnutrition in a ready-to-use, visual way.
2- “What should be done” stage: Engage across the methodology with a working group comprised of a limited number of high-level, key stakeholders (to ensure the report meets their needs) and organize one day high-level workshop to present the state of scientific evidence and define concrete recommendations in the light of the findings.
3- “How can these recommendations be translated into program and policy” stage- the working group outlines a roadmap for taking recommendations forward.
The selected topic for this second pilot is the impact of Wash on Nutrition and more specifically on Severe Acute Malnutrition.

The objective of the consultancy is to produce a single ready-to-use document, to be reviewed by the working group before the workshop.

Methodology to collect and synthetize available evidence (“What we know section”)

Prior to the workshop, current evidence around Wash and Nutrition will be collated and summarized into a single ready-to-use document, to be reviewed by the working group before the workshop. This document (not to exceed 10 pages) should collate evidence from the most robust published reviews. (Approx. around 10-15 publications). (Refer to the R4ACT Cash&Nutrition reports)

The working group will determine recommendations for applying the available evidence to programming and policy, based on the collation and evidence summary.

The consultant will be responsible for:
- The production of the evidence review synthesis,
- The submission to the working group,
- The collection and review of the recommendations provided by the working group and integration of other feedback into the final document (not to exceed 10 pages),
- The presentation of the evidence review synthesis during the workshop,
- The draft and integration of the feedback on the final joint statement.

Number of days: 15 to 18 days
1. Collate and summarize key findings from existing reviews of Wash and SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) and submit to working group (9-10 days)
2. Review of the state of evidence document and draft of recommendations in light of the findings by each member of the working group.
3. Finalization of the 10-pages document including the synthesis of the state of evidence and the comments and recommendations of the working group members (3-6 days)
4. Presentation during the workshop to high-level attendees - December, 6 2018 (1 day)
5. Final editing and follow up - 1 day


Consultant – necessary qualifications / experience:
-Background in wash, nutrition, public health, or similar. Knowledge of under-nutrition critical
-Master’s degree, PhD, post-Doc or proven experience in research
- Successful experience in literature reviews, research implementation & analyses
- Knowledge and experience in epidemiology/statistics/data entry/data analysis necessary
- Proven experience in writing research protocols, reports, scientific articles
- Humanitarian experience highly desirable
- Experience conducting research in developing countries and in difficult/insecure environments highly desirable
Applications should be sent to Stephanie Stern ( and Andrea Barboza( before, August, 20th 2018. They should include a letter cover, a curriculum vitae and the number of days and daily rates required for the consultancy. The synthesis of available evidence will take place in September while the workshop is planned on December, 6th 2018.

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