This course aims to improve the effectiveness of multisectoral development and emergency programmes.

Please join Chris Evans, Gisele Henriques and Guests for the 5-day Permaculture for Development Workers course on 11th -16th September 2018 at Applewood Permaculture Centre, Herefordshire, UK:

Permaculture is the conscious and ethical application of ecological principles in the design of sustainable human habitats. This course aims to introduce the use of permaculture design to improve the appropriateness and effectiveness of “development” through the application of ecological principles and design processes to programme design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Using case studies from different continents, and cutting edge development theory to illustrate how permaculture has been (and can be) successfully applied at all scales (household to community to larger regions), the course will provide an inspiring and pro-active set of tools to help international development-focused individuals, community-based organisations and non-governmental organisations run effective programmes.

Join us in September 2018 and help transform the development paradigm!

Best wishes,

Dr Elizabeth Westaway


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