BACKGROUND: Supporting and protecting Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) is critical for child survival. Exclusive breastfeeding is the single most effective intervention for saving lives. Paired with optimal complementary feeding, up to 19% of under-five child deaths can be averted. In emergencies, children under two years of age face significant risks. For example, it has been observed that in emergency situations, the mortality rate of infants under 1 year of age is 12 to 53% higher than in normal times. In such contexts, an optimal IYCF-E can save even more lives.

Although breastfeeding is a common practice in South Sudan, the 2010 national household surveys found that 45% of children less than 6 months were exclusively breastfed, early initiation of breastfeeding at 48%, and continued breastfeeding at 2 years are also low at 38%3. In South Sudan, practices have worsened after
a major crisis hit in December 2013. Prior to the crisis an estimated number of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition was estimated to be 108,000, the 2017 estimate was 276,000. Recognizing this, IYCF-E has been defined as a core part of the minimum nutrition package for the emergency response - partners will be expected to implement quality IYCF-E responses to save lives.

The Ministry of Health and the Nutrition Cluster are supporting the roll out of the Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition Strategy (MIYCN) strategy, to ensure capacity is created in the implementation of each and every strategic action, including action 4 on IYCF-E. Considering the fact that Save the Children has pioneered the development and roll out of a training module focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergency in seven countries, it is here proposed to organize a specialized training on IYCF-E that will
complement and enhance the learnings and skills acquired from the MIYCN training packages.

OBJECTIVES: This training serves to equip participants with the relevant skills to implement the IYCF-E response inside South Sudan, plan for scale-up of support and introduce new tools developed by Save the Children.

ATTENDEES: Program Managers and Nutrition Advisors who design and implement IYCF-E programs in South Sudan and services including NGO, UN and government partners.

NB: The training will take place in Juba and will be conducted in English.

Caroline Salmen:
Minh Tram Le:

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