BACKGROUND : The support and protection of infant and young child feeding during emergencies (IYCF-E) is of crucial importance for the survival of children. Exclusive breastfeeding, more than any other measure, is the most effective intervention to save lives. Combined with optimal complementary feeding, it can prevent up to 26% of young deaths. In emergencies, children under the age of two are at significant risk. For example, it has been observed that in emergency situations, the mortality rate of infants under 1 year of age is 12 to 53% higher than in normal times. In such contexts, an optimal IYCF-E can save even more lives.

Although almost all children in West and Central Africa are breastfed, only one-third are breastfed within one hour of delivery, and fewer than one in four children is exclusively breastfed during its first six months of life (21% compared to 38% in developing countries). Moreover, food beyond six months is not very diversified, resulting in severe nutritional deficiencies. In addition to lack of education as well as traditional practices and beliefs, it is likely that the recurring crises that have affected the region for years have led to a deterioration of these practices and thus exacerbate the already significant risks to children under the age of 2. Given this situation, IYCF-E has been recognized as an essential component of the minimum nutritional support for emergency interventions in this region. Intervention by multiple actors will be needed to implement quality IYCF-E interventions to save lives.

OBJECTIVES : This training is designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to create and implement compatible infant and young child feeding programs in emergency situations (IYCF-E) with agreed sectoral approaches and programs.

PARTICIPANTS : Program Managers, Nutrition Operations Coordinators and Nutrition Advisors who develop and implement IYCF-E programs and services, including for IDPs: NGOs, UN, donors, as well as the public partners and in particular the Ministry of Health.

(A more detailed program will be sent to you closer to the training)
• What is IYCF-E? Technical session on theory and practice
• How to plan and implement IYCF-E interventions
• Presentation and use of operational tools
• Planning of capacity for preparation and application on a larger scale

NB: The training will be conducted in French.

Charlotte d'Elloy:
Diane Moyer:

This is a very good one, but how can one participate in the training.

Eucheria Igweshi


6 years ago
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